2011 is approaching quickly. It seems the older you get the quicker time goes buy. Well, I guess its that time of year where I start picking my New Year's Resolutions. I first want to go over things I am thankful for, and glad I have:
-Sugar cookies with frosting and sprinkles
-Electric blankets
-Health Insurance
-Trilyte alternatives, such as Miralax
-Those cute little popcorn tins that have cheese, butter, and carmel popcorn
-Healthy people
-Good people
-Jamba Juice
-Fry sauce
-My laptop
-My camera
-My hubby
-My pets
-My family
-My friends
-Online message boards
-Jetted tubs
-The health procedures I will get/have got done
-My contacts
-Rosetta Stone
-Door knobs that are not broken
Now what on earth I am going to make my New Year's Resolutions? Hmmm....any ideas? Here's what I can come up with off the top of my head:
-Get G.E.D.
-Get a good paying part time job
-Look into starting midwife schooling
-Get at least one more car (with 4 wheel drive)
-Put money into savings
-Pay off some debt
-Have a "real" wedding
-Get Corona's surgery done
-Upgrade my fish tank
-Get more organized in our living spaces
-Finish learning French
-Freshen up my American Sign Language skills
-Get blog sponsors
-Get at least 50 followers
I think those are good goals. Don't forget to follow me, so you can see how my New Year's Resolutions are going! Well lovelies, what are your New Year's Resolution?
Monday, December 27, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Keep on rollin'
How was every one's holidays? Good, I hope. I disappointed myself yesterday. I woke up all stoked for Christmas, I enjoyed it very much until about 1 o'clock. At noon I took my medicine and on top of making me put on like 5lbs every month, it has the fabulous side effect of giving me migraines, like the migraines that no pain med helps. I took pain pills every 6 hours trying to get this migraine to go away. Anyways we had breakfast with my in-laws, then we went to my mother-in-law's family's house, after that Joe and I went to my grandpa's. It was hard for me considering I have this way of torturing myself mentally. As I sat on the couch I pictured in my head everything Mama did last Christmas. I realized that this time last year I had no idea that would be the last time I would see Mama healthy. All the sudden a ringing phone brought me back to reality. My grandpa answered the phone and told my mom's husband to call the house phone. He calls and my mom answers, all I hear is my mom saying things like "Are you serious?" and "Where are they taking her?" and "Are you in the ambulance too?". I instantly remembered Joe telling me in the beginning of November, that he really doubts that the "one person dies every year" curse will continue in 2011. I go back to reality where we find out that my aunt keeps blacking out, not breathing, and convulsing. We left my grandpa's and went back to Joe's family gathering. I called every hour for updates, things aren't looking good. My aunt is in the ICU, and will be there for at least a week or so. The doctor wants to meet with the family tomorrow to decide what to do. I am worried and my mind just keeps flashing back to the past years where someone dies every single year. I am down to 3 close relatives, of course I have others, but most of them I don't talk to for personal reasons or they live out of state. As I sit there on the couch with this massive migraine, in a loud room, I sit there and think about last year. Last Christmas I was planning on moving, having a great job, having a "real" wedding, and continuing our future as a family. Most importantly I thought I would for sure have "the thing I want", and I would have a year where no one dies. Needless to say we can see that not one of those things happened. I am going to be honest, I not only went to bed for my migraine, I went because I felt betrayed and hopeless. I feel better today, or trying to at least. I was checking the news like I do everyday. I ran across a story about a paralyzed woman whose car was stolen and then found. It gave me a link to her website, which had a link to her blog. We all know, I love blogs. I read blogs of people from all walks of life. So I read every single post she made and I cried. I cried, because she is amazing, and even though she has had some bad stuff happen to her she "keeps on rollin'". I want to link you all to her blog. She is so inspiring and I think you all will love it... Mega-Stories
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays my lovelies! I know I have been M.I.A., I have been so busy with the holidays coming up. I just wanted to thank you all for reading! I have readers on every continent now! I am quickly approaching 1,000 views and getting so excited! I plan on doing some giveaways once I reach 20+ followers. So don't forget to follow me! Anyways, I thought I could update you all with everything I have been doing lately. Last weekend my in-laws and I went to my sister-in-law Brandy's dance performance. They did the Polar Express. Here's some pics (they aren't the best quality, my camera seems to be having an issue that I need to fix)...
This one is Brandy.
We also had my cousin-in-law Tony's daughter Jordana's 1st birthday party. Jordana is seriously one of the best behaved babies I have ever met, she is so calm and happy almost all the time. She is making the "I am going to barf" look because she doesn't dig certain textures of food. Here's some picture of that...
And here is a bunch of random photos I took for the hell of it...
I also want to congratulate my cousin-in-law Amanda and her spouse Mike, on their new baby due in August.
Thanks for reading everyone! Enjoy your holidays!
This one is Brandy.
We also had my cousin-in-law Tony's daughter Jordana's 1st birthday party. Jordana is seriously one of the best behaved babies I have ever met, she is so calm and happy almost all the time. She is making the "I am going to barf" look because she doesn't dig certain textures of food. Here's some picture of that...
And here is a bunch of random photos I took for the hell of it...
I also want to congratulate my cousin-in-law Amanda and her spouse Mike, on their new baby due in August.
Thanks for reading everyone! Enjoy your holidays!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Don't worry, I am alive. I know I went 4 days without posting, I am sorry. Do you forgive me? I hope so. I have kind of been in a weird place, the past few days. I am going to enter the honesty zone here and tell you lovelies the truth. You know the angel and devil that sit on your shoulders? Well the devil has been awfully convincing the past few days. I don't even know how to explain the mood I have been in lately. I guess the best way to put it is, I have been questioning myself lately. 98 percent of the time I know what I am doing with my life, but there's always that 2 percent sneaking up on me and asking me if I really know, or if it's all in my head. Needless to say today I was an emotional mess, it was one of those screw-you-diet-eat-a-tub-of-ice-cream-and-watch-movies-in-pajamas days. One of the movies I watched was You, Me, and Dupree. In the end Dupree is talking about your "-ness", you just add ness to the end of your name, and it describes/is who you are. It got me thinking where did my "Jaz-ness" go? And I quickly realized I was letting the devil win. It occurred to me that hope seems to be the cause and solution to my 2 percent. When everything seems to be bursting in flames around me, I hold onto hope so damn tight it's eyes bulge. When I end up standing there in piles of ashes I realize that hope I was holding onto didn't do shit for me. Shit is still in ashes and I am still royally screwed. But what if hope, in some crazy way did help? I had never really looked at it this way before, but what if holing onto that hope so insanely tight is what stopped me from bursting into flames and ending as ash too? Just like that, everything I do, everything I am, made sense again. If you give up hope when you have nothing else, than really you just lost the last thing you had to hold onto, except the difference is you did it deliberately. Yes, I may pull a Homer Simpson some times and strangle hope because I am mad, but in all reality hope is why I am here, hope is what got me through the fire and made it possible for me to save everyone else. It is so crazy how these weird little things that most people don't think twice about some how snap me back into reality. In the end I think that's what life is all about, remembering who you are and staying strong no matter how bad things seem.
Thanks for reading!
Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The Struggle
Have you ever wanted something, that you go to desperate measures to get it? I have been wanting something for a long time now, and I am beginning to think about desperate ways of going about getting it. As a kid I wished for my dad to come back, so I could have a normal family. That was my wish for birthdays, Christmas, new years, and any other time I could wish. It got to the point I went around looking at men trying to figure out which ones would be a good daddy for me and thinking of crazy Parent Trap ways of getting my mom to marry this potential daddy. I now have an awesome father-in-law, so needless to say I eventually got my wish. As an adult I have been wishing and praying for something that I can not control whether I get. I now look back on my childhood and realize that things don't always come to you the way you expect. The thing I want has made me a different person, I have learned a lot and have gained respect for people who earn the thing I want. It's not easy but I know I am not alone and that helps. I know that even if people don't want the same thing as me, we all have that one thing we want in life and we are willing to put ourselves through hell and back to get it. It's insane the lengths I have gone to capture my dream, and yet I end up with the feeling that I am sure we all know, where you feel you are so close to your goal and yet so damn far away. I feel like my mother-in-law's jack russell, Charlie (aka Harley), he is obsessed with chasing his tail, and every time he tries he gets within an inch of catching it. He can see what he wants, but its just barely out of reach. I think the hardest part of situations like this, is when others get what you want so easily and yet you are working so hard. I know how you feel believe me. I will be the first to admit, I get insanely jealous, angry, hurt, and any other emotion out there but then I remember something someone once told me... "At least you know it's possible to get it, if they got it." This is so true, because at times I think we all feel, life is unfair and that some things just aren't possible to get, well guess what? They are possible to get, and life is fair to some degree. I think what we aren't looking at when we say life isn't fair is that, when we go through struggles we learn from them. I realized that the struggle I have gone through to follow one of my dreams has made me into a better person, but the person who got what I want without trying will learn the lesson I learned in a different way. Think about it this way, there's 3 types of learning: Seeing, hearing, and experiencing. We all learn in different ways, I learn best from experience, where as others learn lessons in other ways. Remember this, it may be a big struggle to get what you want, but at least you will appreciate it, when you do get it.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The Unfortuneate Ones
Yesterday, I noticed something that kind of really pushed my buttons, someone on Facebook was bitching about how bad their life was. This just really bugged me. I am noticing that some people act like their life is so terrible, I just don't see it though. I am not saying bad things don't happen to these people because I am sure they do, but if your life is so bad then why are you so happy? I see it often, these people that get everything they want with little to no effort, don't appreciate it. Can anyone please explain to me what is so bad about being healthy, having a roof over your head, having kids, having a secure/stable job, having a two income household, having loving family surrounding you, being able to afford nice things, etc? Maybe I am missing something but to me that's a lot to be happy about. I am not saying you can't complain, everyone does at some point, but why do people say things like "When is it my turn for something good to happen?" or "My life sucks!" or my personal favorite "F*ck my life, I just want to crawl up and die!". Am I crazy or are they? I personally have stuff to bitch about but I choose not to. I have been through hell and back, and to be 100% honest with you, I couldn't be happier with how things have gone. Obviously I wish somethings didn't have to happen but if those things happening means I get the privilege to enjoy life to it's fullest, and be grateful for what I have than by all means I am happy with my struggles. I have some medical issues as a lot of you know and yeah it really sucks that I am stuck with them, but by having one of them I have met some of the most amazing people that will be good friends for the rest of my life. I hate to think about not having these people in my life, and to me having loving, caring, excepting friends is very much worth the struggle. If you are offend, angered, or hurt by me posting all this, then maybe you need to take a good hard look at yourself. All you people with kids that bitch about it, or are about to have a kid, imagine how you would feel if your child got ripped away from you and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it? I know how it feels and I can tell you I would take a million more tantrums, sleepless nights, and I would be more than happy to give up all my hobbies (etc) just to get my baby back, but I can't, and I most likely never will. So I will take what I can from the experience and grow from it. All you people that bitch about your job, be damn happy you have it because this is a f'ed up economy and most unemployed can't get jobs. I will allow you to bitch without any judgement if you can give me a list of the good and the bad (and the bad has to be legit, not shit like your favorite shoe broke) and the bad out-weighs the good. Even then I will still pity you because you focus on the bad and can't realize the stuff you have that most people would kill for. Just remember everyone, appreciate what you have while you have it because it could be gone at any moment.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
The Frenchest Loaf of Them All
A few days ago I bought some active dry yeast, I have been dying to use it. Last night I decided to tackle my urge. I looked forever, trying to find a good beginners recipe for bread. I remembered my super awesome friend Merissa is great at making bread and once gave me a link to a recipe. I asked her for the link again, she was more than happy to give it to me. I got all the ingredients out, and dug my mother-in-law's bread maker out. After washing the bread maker and my hands, I started. I put all the ingredients in the machine then turned on the "Dough" cycle which surprise to me takes one and half hours. So while waiting for that I decided to go to my grandmother-in-law's to fix her laptop. When we get back Hubby tells me his brilliant idea for a new type of porn. I am totally up for it, I have always wanted to do something uber creative like that, not to mention anything that pushes boundaries usually has something to do with me. So while the bread was rising, we brainstormed different ideas and had a lot of fun. Once the bread is done rising I put the egg whites on the top, throw cheese on top and watch its deliciousness bake. Once it was done, I cut a tiny bit off to make sure it was cooked, then of course ate that tiny bit. Then I cut off more, threw some butter on it and moaned as the scrumptious bread released its cheesy, buttery flavor in my mouth. Here's some pictures. And the link to Merissa's page with the recipe.
Bread Recipe
Bread Recipe
Friday, December 3, 2010
Dear snake, please don't make me piss myself.
Last night, I was deciding what to make for dinner, I was debating between meatloaf, mac 'n cheese, a veggie, and fresh baked bread or my infamous chicken alfredo pasta, zucchini, and garlic bread. At the last minute I told dinner to screw off because we're going to the movies instead. When Joe got home, Joe, Jeremy, and I went to go see the new Harry Potter. Have you ever heard the story "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie"? Well I have my own version. If you give Jaz a movie ticket, she'll ask for popcorn to go with it. If you give her popcorn, she'll of course need a drink too. Oh how I love movie theater popcorn, in all of it's salty, buttery, goodness. Well I am one of those people that have to have a drink while eating. I honestly wonder how you people that don't drink while eating do it. I just get really thirsty. Because I love thy movie theater popcorn, I started eating it the 30 minutes (yes, I said thirty minutes. Joe insists on being crazy early to everything) we waited for the movie to start. So I ate popcorn and downed my drink. All the sudden the movie starts, and I need to pee, go figure. So I decided its in my best interest to hold it, mostly because Joe may or may not get really irritated if I came back and make him tell me in detail what happened. About 30 minutes into the movie I decided that was a really bad idea. I am one of those people who get really into movies, my therapist says it's because movies are like hypnotherapy. Needless to say while watching movies I get way jumpy. I won't ruin the movie for any of you who haven't seen it, don't worrry. Let's just say there was a few parts in the movie where I was saying to myself/to the snake on the movie who can of course hear my thoughts, "Please mister snake...don't make me piss myself!". I barely made it out of the theater, luckily the bathrooms were really close. While in the creepy bathrooms (which are really fancy if I must say so) the stall door next to me kept swinging open and closed. I looked carefully under the stalls in my best super spy style, sure shit there is no feet to either side of me. Being the paranoid person I am, I have a very detailed plan of what my crazy self would do in this situation. Note I am still peeing at this point. I slyly (is that even a word? Oh well, it is now) look up and to much relief see no one staring down at me, I look around and notice there is no vents. I start thinking about how the hell that door is moving by itself. "Ok Jaz, you're going to finish peeing. Then you will flush and while the toilet flushes reach in your purse, grab your awesome pink pepper spray, unlock it and have it ready for use. After you have it in your hand, walk out in front of the mirrors so you can make sure no one is behind you. As you approach the door put your hand with the pepper spray pack in your purse. While opening the door act like you're just putting away lip gloss so Joe doesn't realize how weird you are. Ok ready...and go!" I think to myself. I safely make it out the bathroom and we leave without the pepper spray being used. Another note: This all happened within 3 minutes, it just seemed like forever. P.S. Ladies, I bought my awesome pink pepper spray for $10 at a hunting store, I think it was Sportsmans Warehouse. I highly recommend every person, especially women carry some around just in case.
Call me crazy but I seriously have a plan for almost any given situation. These plans aren't just run away kind of plans, these are extremely detailed plans. I guess that's what happens when you grow up in the ghetto. Call me crazy all you want but when you see on the news "5'5, 120lb woman attacks house full of burglars while safely escorting family out of danger. She is now getting a street named after her (ok I wish)." on the news (and yes, it will be international news, because I am that awesome) you will know one of my crazy plans was not only useful, but it worked.
Thanks for reading!
Call me crazy but I seriously have a plan for almost any given situation. These plans aren't just run away kind of plans, these are extremely detailed plans. I guess that's what happens when you grow up in the ghetto. Call me crazy all you want but when you see on the news "5'5, 120lb woman attacks house full of burglars while safely escorting family out of danger. She is now getting a street named after her (ok I wish)." on the news (and yes, it will be international news, because I am that awesome) you will know one of my crazy plans was not only useful, but it worked.
Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Cherry on Top
My fabulous friend Katie awarded me a fabulous award (see above)! You can check out her blog here
I was introduced to Katie online, and now she is one of my closest friends! Be sure to check out her blog! Thanks Katie!
I am passing this on to my 5 fave blogs:
Marly's Blog
Nadine's Blog
Rachel's Blog
Kelle's Blog
Christina's Blog
Here are the rules: Link back to the person who awarded you, and then pick five blogs to pass on the award too. Make sure to comment on the awarded blogs so they know they've been picked.
What Comes Around Goes Around
Sometimes, I have this insane urge to write. I whip out my handy-dandy laptop (OK, you're right. I didn't have to whip it out, it's pretty much always in my lap) and get ready to write something insanely inspirational. So I load up my blog and get ready to type these amazing words that you will savor forever, but all that comes out is a big fat empty screen. I never really know how my posts will come out, they may start out as funny, then leave you in tears. I just never know. My goal is to get you lovelies to feel the passion that flows so fluently through my body. I hope to encourage you to go tell that random person who looks like they're having a shitty day, how amazing they really are. So what if I should probably be doing something else with my time? I should be doing laundry or what not. You can tell my laundry I said "Suck it!"
When I was 12 or 13, my friend and I used to walk around downtown (we lived there). When we saw someone who was having a bad day we would, compliment them. Especially homeless people. I know how it feels to be so low, so sad, so hopeless. I know it meant the world to me when someone would do something to make me smile. Most people see homeless people and instantly critisize them. Why? Why as humans do we feel the need to point out other people's flaws and bad choices? I would/do hate when people do that to me, so why on earth would I do that to someone else? So next time you see someone pan-handling (asking for money), give them some. I don't care if you think they may just be "faking being homeless". It's good karma. I highly believe in karma, what comes around goes around.
Do you ever get asked what you would do if you out of no where recieved millions of dollars? I get asked that a lot, and I stop and ask the original asker, "What would you do?". They go off on all the fancy cars, houses, vacations, and more. To be completely honest with you, I would keep $500,000 to make myself comfortable (pay bills, buy a house, get surgeries I need, etc), and then I would donate the rest. People always tell me I am crazy. Why am I crazy though? Who says I need that money more than the dying children, homeless animals, family-less people? I can tell you right now I don't give a shit who thinks I am crazy for it.
Real quick before I sign off I want to thank all my readers for reading about Cliff. I especially want to thank those of you who donated to him. I love you all and you really are awesome. I have a lot of people asking me if we will adopt Cliff. I very badly want to I can promise you that much. There's a few things my hubby and I need to handle before we can for sure decide. If we can't adopt Cliff, I promise you we will be adopting at least one baby/child who needs us (if not more). I am going to let fate handle it. If you do have some advice, questions, wisdom, etc. to give us it will for sure be welcomed!
Thanks for reading, lovelies!
When I was 12 or 13, my friend and I used to walk around downtown (we lived there). When we saw someone who was having a bad day we would, compliment them. Especially homeless people. I know how it feels to be so low, so sad, so hopeless. I know it meant the world to me when someone would do something to make me smile. Most people see homeless people and instantly critisize them. Why? Why as humans do we feel the need to point out other people's flaws and bad choices? I would/do hate when people do that to me, so why on earth would I do that to someone else? So next time you see someone pan-handling (asking for money), give them some. I don't care if you think they may just be "faking being homeless". It's good karma. I highly believe in karma, what comes around goes around.
Do you ever get asked what you would do if you out of no where recieved millions of dollars? I get asked that a lot, and I stop and ask the original asker, "What would you do?". They go off on all the fancy cars, houses, vacations, and more. To be completely honest with you, I would keep $500,000 to make myself comfortable (pay bills, buy a house, get surgeries I need, etc), and then I would donate the rest. People always tell me I am crazy. Why am I crazy though? Who says I need that money more than the dying children, homeless animals, family-less people? I can tell you right now I don't give a shit who thinks I am crazy for it.
Real quick before I sign off I want to thank all my readers for reading about Cliff. I especially want to thank those of you who donated to him. I love you all and you really are awesome. I have a lot of people asking me if we will adopt Cliff. I very badly want to I can promise you that much. There's a few things my hubby and I need to handle before we can for sure decide. If we can't adopt Cliff, I promise you we will be adopting at least one baby/child who needs us (if not more). I am going to let fate handle it. If you do have some advice, questions, wisdom, etc. to give us it will for sure be welcomed!
Thanks for reading, lovelies!
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