Sunday, September 26, 2010

Completely Content!

It is completely quiet in here (besides the sounds of our fish tanks), everyone is sleeping besides my 4 goldfish who are digging up the plant seeds in their tank. Joe is sleeping like a baby....
Corona is dead asleep and for once not snoring....
I imagine she is dreaming about the sausage biscuits she saw on TV earlier...
My rats Gianna and Tessa are cuddled up sleeping together (sorry I couldn't get a better picture, I was trying not to wake anyone)....
Even my Betta Teal and my frog Twinkle are sleeping....
As I sit here I can smell Corona's feet, which as odd as it sounds smell like warm Doritos chips, not to mention she has the cutest little, soft, ticklish feet around....

So now I sit here feeling horribly sick from the flu, but I am still very, very happy and type, I will tell you all about my adventures this week. Something incredible happened this weekend, I finally got a picture of "Catcoon". Some places worry about big foot or chupracabras, or lake monsters, but here in my neighborhood we have the Catcoon. This "cat" is believed to be half cat half raccoon, it is very aggressive, but oh so cute! So I present to you all....The Catcoon!
I have been trying to get good pictures of Catcoon (which is most likely an inbred cat) for weeks.
OK on to another fun overload.....
Here in Salt lake city people aren't friendly, have barely any compassion, and are fairly antisocial, but there are 3 things that bring this county together: 1. Gay Pride Festival (which is uber fun and I will get tons of pictures of it in spring 2011) 2. A tragedy (such as the fire we had last week) 3. The Utah Utes (our university football team that kicks some major ass)!
Last night we went to the game where over 45,000 people sat and cheered for the same thing. This is what I look for in a community is closeness. Over 45,000 people from different walks of life joined in one place with one common goal...the Utes kicking some major ass! The night before the game Joe asked me to shave his head (which I do every few weeks), so I offered to shave the "U" (utes logo) in his hair so here are the results, and yes I did this with the electric trimmers....
Then before the game I painted his face for him (this picture was taken in the middle of the game so due to the hot weather there's some sweat/sunglasses marks)....
Now out of all the fans there, in this picture I circled the opposing teams seats....
Yep, that's right, there was probably less than 100 other fans.
Here's the rest of the pictures....

And last but not least here's some pictures of Corona.....
I love when they cuddle, it screams peace and love!
I am not too sure why she sleeps like this, but she does almost every single night.
She loves to go under our blanket and play.
I love when she rests her head on me!
Here she is licking her chops and drooling on me because I am eating candy....
Now she gives me the strategically planned pouty lip....
Then she acts like she doesn't even care that I am not sharing....
And then I finally give her the box with 3 candies left over, and it makes her day! Sorry the picture is blurry, she wouldn't sit still.

Thanks for reading everyone! I am going to go relax and hope I get feeling better!

Friday, September 17, 2010

And all I hear is crickets....

I love nights like this, it's a great temperature. I am sitting in one of my favorite front porch, sitting with my fab in-laws, and fiance. Its a beautiful clear sky, I can see all the stars shining brightly back at me. I can just hear crickets chirping until their little hearts are content. What did I do to deserve nights like this? What ever it was I want to do it again. In the midst of life's worries, stresses, and disappointments, there are nights like these to make up for it. This night reassures me that fall will come, the leaves will turn to a beautiful array of colors, the crisp smell of fall, beautiful orange pumpkins that will turn into great decor and even better food. All this begs me to come outside and remember this is what life is about. The bills can sit in envelopes, being completely ignored for just a little longer. This is life's way of saying "Jaz, get your ass out of the house, and enjoy life because its worth enjoying!"

Family and friends can straight up piss you off, they will hurt you, love you, make you cry, make you laugh, but no matter what they will be there. I am a high believer in "Family is who you make it". I know not everyone gets to have biological family around them for various reasons, but its up to you to create your family. You are in charge of how you're life will play out. Sick of all the drama? Get rid of it, I know there's no way to get rid of all drama, but you can get rid of most of it.
I can testify that my family, which is made up of various people, will completely piss me off at some point or another. Nights like this remind me to do whatever it takes to fix it, and keep life moving, happy, and enjoyable.

Quit dwelling on all the bad stuff that happened in your life. It's done it's over with. At this point you are just stuck in a revolving door. The funny thing about revolving doors are they tempt you to go in them, YOU enter them, YOU have to keep them moving, when YOU stop the door will too. So quit pushing on the door and hoping something else will be on the other side when you go around again, just get out and experience what the place that door leads to is all about.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The tiny bug

I was having a bad day, so I decided to take a shower to help me relax. As I was sitting on the shower floor letting hot water splash off me, I looked to my left to see a tiny little bug. The bug was the size of the tip of a needle, and a charcoal grey. I wondered where he came from, how he got in the shower, what he was looking for, and what he was. He was walking towards the corner where the tile on the wall meets the tub. There's a little hole in the caulk (most likely caused by an air bubble) which was probably a safe place, out of the water for him to be. All of the sudden he turned and headed towards the first small edge/drop-off (where the over flow drain is located) that leads to the main drop-off. There I am hoping this little bug turns around to head towards safety. He's so tiny there's no way for me to save him without squishing him. So I block the water from hitting him, and for a few seconds he sits there as if he was trying to figure out what to do. My heart is pounding, I really don't want him to die. He starts walking through water droplets, which I thought for sure he'd drown in. Then he stops again. At this point I only can hope he makes the right choice so he doesn't die. Out of no where he leaps off the the ledge and is now in serious danger. He is now is the corner in the tub trying to climb back up but can't. This kills me, I so badly wish there was a way I could help him to safety, but I know I would squish him. I think about whether or not to squish him to just take him out of his misery so he won't suffer while drowning, but then I remember my uncle Ken. Ken was the closest thing I will ever have to a dad, he had Lou Gehrigs, and he was suffering incredibly but he never wanted to die. He wanted to spend all the time he could reflecting on life, spending time with loved ones and doing what he did best, changing people's lives for the better. I just couldn't squish the bug. He eventually gave up and the water washed him down the drain. As crazy as this sounds this bug taught me a lot in a very short amount of time. He taught me: One wrong move can drastically change you're situation, we put ourselves into the situations we're in and we shouldn't blame anyone or anything else, some times you have to sit back and let nature do it's thing no matter how bad it hurts, and last but not least love with all your heart and enjoy life because you have no idea when it will end. R.I.P. Tiny Bug and Ken.

Also I would like to let everyone know, I am going to start changing my blog design often so make sure you check it out often.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Good bye blonde!



Good bye blonde!

Now for a little red....
(it prevents my hair from turning green)



Now for the final color! Hello chocolate fabulousness!


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Quick post

So I thought I would share some cute pics of my little Ona-Burona's (aka Corona) 3rd birthday including a homemade cake and cupcakes!

I promise she didn't hate the hat, she was just mad I was taking pictures instead of giving her the cookie I was holding!






The recipe for the cake batter is

2 cups flour
2 tsp baking soda
1/4 cup peanut butter (I used chunky)
1/4 cup baby food (read the ingredients! make sure there is no onion powder, grapes or other foods dogs have. stage 1 is usually safe for dogs)
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 cups shredded carrot or lunch meat (or do half and half)
2 tsp vanilla
2/3 cups vanilla
2 eggs

frosting is cottage cheese (you can use food coloring if desired)

Preheat oven to 350 F
Mix together flour & baking soda, then add remaining ingredients.
pour into desired greased pan.
Cook until you can put a tooth pick in middle and it comes out clean, or edges are golden brown.
Cool, then spread cottage cheese on top. If desired you can microwave peanut butter for 15-45 seconds (stir every 15 seconds) then pour into bag cut corner off and drizzle on cake.

This will make 12 cupcakes or 1 full cake.